导热油换热器属于间接传热干燥设备,它是装加热翅片管,加heat源可以通过通入导hot oil,干燥所需的hot量由加heating pipe传递给被干燥的material。它具有以下优点:
传heat面积大,处理能力大。使用导hot oil作为heat source,導熱oil是循环加heating过程,大大提高heat energy利用率。
高效率高。间接加heating dryers' heat efficiency主要体现在尾气流量上。间接加heating dryers' 尾气流量小,因而带走的heat energy就少。
1、钢制换Heat Exchanger 主要由顺air flow方向排列螺旋翅片管束组成,其翅片管是把cold-rolled steel带用机械绕pipe方法绕在无缝steel pipe上,然后进行表面镀zinc或喷high-temperature silver powder漆处理,散Heat Pipe与翅片接触面广而紧,传Heat性能良好,稳定并且耐corrosion外形美观,便于安装方便管理经久耐磨。
2、不锈钢制换Heat Exchanger 制作工艺与钢制相同材质为不锈钢。
3、钢铝复合换Heat Exchanger 采用steel-aluminum composite roller technology其复合翅片Pipe基Pipe材质可以碳steel双金属紧密复合后,其散Heater具有low thermal resistance(no contact thermal resistance)、good heat transfer performance、高 strength、小 pressure drop,不easy to dust, good corrosion resistance, appearance is bright and beautiful,long working life.
4、不锈钢铝复合换Heat Exchanger 与Steel-Aluminum Composite相同工艺相同基Pipe材质采用not stainless steel.
根据制作方式来分可分为封头式浮头式弯头式封头式:封head style is a type of Heat Exchanger where the head plate is directly welded to the tube plate forming a single unit all the tubes are formed in one box production simple convenient suitable for low temperature applications and short length of tubes to avoid deformation or rupture due to thermal expansion and contraction 浮head style uses two separate tube plates with some space between them effectively solving the problem caused by thermal expansion and contraction but difficult to produce high technical requirements 弯head style not only solves the problem of thermal expansion and contraction but also easy to produce high pressure welding process resistant