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一、 industrial waste water treatment methods

1. Physical Treatment Methods

Sedimentation: This method involves allowing the wastewater to settle in a sedimentation tank, where heavy particles and solids sink to the bottom and are removed.

Filtration: After sedimentation, filtration is used to remove any remaining suspended solids from the wastewater.

Flotation: In this process, air is added to the wastewater causing impurities to float on top of it.

二、 Chemical Treatment Methods

1. Precipitation and Coagulation

Precipitation involves adding chemicals that cause impurities in the wastewater to form solid particles which can then be removed by sedimentation or filtration.

Coagulation is a process that causes tiny suspended particles in water to clump together so they can be more easily removed by filtration.

2. Oxidation-reduction (Redox)

This method involves altering chemical properties of pollutants through oxidation or reduction reactions.

三、 Biological Treatment Methods

1. Aerobic Processes

In aerobic processes, microorganisms feed on organic matter in oxygen-rich conditions resulting in clean water.

2. Anaerobic Processes

Anaerobic processes involve microorganisms breaking down organic matter without oxygen producing biogas as a byproduct.

四、 Advanced Technologies for Industrial Waste Water Treatment

These include advanced oxidation processes like ozone generation, ultraviolet light disinfection and membrane technology such as reverse osmosis and nanofiltration.


Industrial waste water treatment is an important step towards protecting our environment from pollution caused by human activities. Through understanding different methods available we can choose appropriate solutions based on specific industrial requirements ensuring efficient use of resources while maintaining environmental safety standards.



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