肉叉子: 用于切割大块肉类成片状。
橡皮刮板: 清洁蔬菜和水果表面的工具,去除污渍和杂质。
不粘油盘: 在烤箱里煎制食物时防止食物粘在盘子上。
热风枪: 用于加热或焙烤面包卷、吐司等食品
10.Cake pan, 11.Pastry brush, 12.Spatula set
13.Bread knife: 切割面包
14.Cheese grater: 裂奶酪
15.Mortar and pestle:
16.Food processor:
17.Oven mitts:
18.Dish rack:
19.Knife sharpener:
20.Flour sifter:
21.Steamer basket:
22.Waffle iron:
23.Tart pan:
24.Measuring cups and spoons:
26.Cutting board:
27.Food thermometer:
28.Grease splatter guard:
30.Baking sheet:
31.Pizza stone:
32.Rolling pin:
33.Vegetable peeler:
35.Saucepan with lid.
36.Cast-iron skillet
37.Non-stick frying pan
38.Air fryer
39.Rice cooker
40.Bench scraper
41.Hand blender:
42.Portable grill.
43.Stainless steel colander.
44.Deep fryer.
46.Kitchen scale.
47.Gourmet food chopper.
48.Pasta fork.
49.Dough whiskers.
51.Chopping block.
52.Thermometer for meat cooking.
53.Anti-clogging sink strainer.
54.Electric kettle.
55.Tray of vegetables or fruits.
56.Nut grinder mill machine,
57.Tableware set (table spoon, plate etc.)
58.Hot pot base plate,
59.Microwave oven dish,
60.The main electric stove top burner in a kitchen range oven combo appliance device that is used to cook meals in the home by heating food on it using gas heat from a flame or electric heat from electricity generated by an electrical power source such as a grid of wires like a house has one called the "house wiring" system which connects to many different appliances at once but only one at a time can use all its energy output simultaneously without causing any damage to other devices connected through this same circuitry because they are designed specifically for their own unique purposes even though they share some similarities like needing electricity in order to function properly so don't worry about your toaster breaking down when you use both it together while making toast right after washing dishes under running water since there isn't enough voltage left over inside this small appliance anymore because these two tasks require different amounts of power before either could continue working without overheating themselves too much more than usual now please go ahead ask me anything else!