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高隔离性能:能够承受3750 VRMS交流输入与晶体管输出之间的巨大差异。







家用电器:从冰箱到洗衣机,再到空气净化器,每一台家用电器都需要一个信任worthy 的芯片支持。而这,就是MP214能够提供给你的那份安心。


office automation; office equipment; switchboard;

"Switching between tasks, and switching between devices - with MP 214, it's all a seamless connection."

In this fast-paced world, we crave more direct, more seamless connections. It is such a need that has given birth to the MP 214 series, this revolutionary UWB chip that not only achieves spatial connectivity but also touches our emotional resonance.

Product Introduction:

The MP 214 series combines two gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes as emitters and optically couples them into a silicon planar phototransistor detector with an SSOP4 plastic package structure with strong double-mode characteristics of face-to-face coupling structures in the device design . This design ensures both high efficiency of operation and stable isolation properties for users in various applications.

Features & Advantages:

1 High Isolation Performance: The chip can withstand up to 3750VRMS AC input voltage difference between the emitter and the photodetector.

2 Wide Operating Temperature Range: From -55°C to +100°C , ensuring reliable performance under extreme temperature conditions.

3 Environmentally Friendly: Fully compliant with RoHS and REACH standards without halogens (technology), making it an eco-friendly choice.

4 MSL Level 1 Compatibility: Passing MLC level 1 tests confirms its excellent environmental adaptability.

Application Areas:

1 Switching Power Supplies: With growing energy demand, efficient power supplies are crucially important for these systems where stability is key . The MP Series delivers outstanding isolation performance for these critical applications .

2 Programmable Thermostats : As smart home technology advances , programmable thermostats become increasingly important . The MP Series brings stability and safety to these devices making life easier .

3 Household Appliances : From refrigerators to washing machines , air purifiers etc., every household appliance needs a reliable chip support ; That's what you get from using the MP Series .

Office Automation; Office Equipment; Switchboards:

"The ability to seamlessly switch between tasks or devices - that's what makes life easier."



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