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在深圳楼市中,一种特殊的“人才房”模式 lately emerged, offering a price tag of 1.9 million yuan per square meter with a down payment requirement of just 60,000 yuan. Experts suggest that such purchases must comply with relevant policy requirements.

Meanwhile, IPO Radar reports on the withdrawal of Liwei Copper Industry from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's main board. The company's major shareholders include Yunda Metal & Mining and Yunnan Copper Group, which have collectively received dividends worth 185 million yuan over the past three years and a half.

In an exclusive interview with EveryFinance, Li Wei, chairman of Shanxi Energy Group and national representative, recommends strengthening the unified management of coal resources for peak summer electricity supply to break down barriers in inter-provincial logistics.

According to Global Financial Linkages, Chen Wenling, chief economist at China International Economic Exchange Center emphasizes that the vitality of private enterprises is crucial for Guangdong Province's economic growth.

21 Healthcare News Daily updates us on the National Health Commission's response to concerns about not using procurement heart stents; also featured is China's first "myopia miracle drug" approved for market launch.

Under Announcements Selected by Zhiyue Information: Drug Kangde uses 4.999 million yuan in funds to repurchase shares today; Five consecutive boards stand tall for Lihang Technology: currently no revenue from low-altitude economy business segments are reported.

Last but not least, Zhongyi Information highlights its core business as cloud computing equipment core firmware (BIOS/BMC) technology and cloud platform technology with self-owned intellectual property rights.



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