北京医院骨科主任医师路奎元强调,如果一个人的身体无法得到良好的支撑,那么他们将感到越睡越累。一觉醒来腰酸背痛也是常见的情况。而且,如果这种情况持续存在,它还可以加速肌肉劳损和脊柱骨骼的老化增生,有时甚至会导致脊柱畸形。在婴幼儿和老人的群体中尤其如此,因为长期使用失去弹性的-bed-could affect their bone development, leading to conditions such as kyphosis or scoliosis. For the elderly, it could lead to pulmonary embolism and cerebral infarction.
此外,还有许多家庭忽略了清洁自己的bed-and-mattress. In fact, beds are a common breeding ground for dust mites and other allergens. At least once every season, you should clean your bed thoroughly with a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth. If possible, consider using a mattress protector with an outer cover that can be easily removed for cleaning.
By following these tips and tricks from our 100 decorating secrets series, you'll not only keep your bed comfortable but also extend its lifespan while maintaining good health!