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将洗手台、 bathtub & toilet规划成“干区”,淋浴间与 bathtub则界定为“湿区”。在干湿分离的设计手法中,主要目的是把淋浴间与 bathtub两项主要用水区独立出来,透过拉门、隔间或拉帘阻绝水花四溅。 Bathrooms with dry and wet separation have become a standard in many newly decorated houses, which not only solves the problem of one wash making the whole room wet but also optimizes the space of the bathroom.

The article introduces five types of dry and wet separation bathroom designs: one-way shower door, L-shaped shower door, multi-angle shower door, basin-top shower door, and half-separation shower door. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of installation complexity, flexibility in layout planning, and visual aesthetics. The article provides detailed explanations for each type of design to help readers choose the most suitable design for their bathrooms based on their specific needs.

For example, one-way shower doors are commonly used in bathrooms with rectangular or long shapes. They are easy to install and have a simple structure. L-shaped shower doors are more flexible in terms of size planning and can be used in bathrooms with rectangular shapes or structures that have columns. Multi-angle shower doors are ideal for small bathrooms as they can create unique spaces while still maintaining independence between wet areas.

Basin-top showers integrate bathing tubs into showers by removing curtains or partitions from traditional layouts. This design is perfect for small spaces where there is limited area available for both bathing tubs and separate showers. Half-separation glass walls provide a clean line between different areas without obstructing sightlines; they offer an elegant solution to space constraints while allowing good ventilation within the bathroom.

In conclusion, choosing a suitable dry-wet separated bathroom design is crucial to avoid water accumulation issues related to mold growth on floor tiles while optimizing your bath space's functionality. By understanding various options like one-way through basin-top styles mentioned above you will be able make informed choices about your home improvement project!



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