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The Art of Decorating Understanding Chinas Residen


Residential interior decoration and decoration management are crucial aspects of enhancing the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and overall value of a home. In China, these aspects are regulated by the "Residential Interior Decoration and Decoration Management Regulations," which aim to ensure that residential spaces are not only beautiful but also safe, accessible, and environmentally friendly.

The Importance of Regulation

The rapid urbanization in China has led to an increase in demand for housing and renovation services. This surge has resulted in unregulated practices among some designers, contractors, and property developers who prioritize profit over quality standards. To address this issue, the government enacted the "Residential Interior Decoration and Decoration Management Regulations" to establish guidelines for designing, constructing, renovating residential spaces while ensuring public safety.

Key Provisions

Article 1: Scope - The regulations apply to all types of residential buildings except temporary or movable houses.

Article 2: Purpose - To improve living conditions by ensuring safe construction materials usage.

Article 3: Definitions - Specifies terms like "residential building," "interior decoration," etc., providing clarity on what falls under its jurisdiction.

Design Standards

Designing a home should be done with both aesthetics in mind as well as practicality considerations such as accessibility for people with disabilities (Article 10). Furthermore (Article 11), it is mandatory that all new constructions must have fire-resistant materials used in corridors; staircases; elevators; lobbies; restrooms; kitchenettes; laundry rooms' electrical outlets’ switches & sockets & light fixtures’ receptacles.

Material Selection

According to article number twelve (12) from the “Residential Interior Decoration AndDecorationManagementRegulations,” any decorative material or product used within a residential space must meet national safety standards before being allowed into use inside homes built after this law was enacted.

Energy Efficiency

To reduce energy consumption within residences so they can contribute less greenhouse gas emissions towards climate change prevention efforts outlined by international agreements signed up-to-and-including Paris Agreement adopted at COP21 meeting held November '15th', paragraph three section two point four stipulates minimum requirements regarding insulation thicknesses when installing exterior walls containing windows having glazing areas greater than twenty square feet on each side will need proper ventilation installed along sides facing away from south direction at least thirty-six inches below bottom edge where window frame ends above floor level otherwise heat gain through summer sun exposure could cause overheating problems during hot months leading potential health issues amongst occupants due mostly high temperatures inside their homes without adequate cooling systems working effectively enough preventing discomforts experienced daily life situations while residing there permanently!



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