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第三个方面是国际化策略。一batch of tech giants recognized that the future growth lies in global markets. They expanded their business to emerging markets, established partnerships with local companies and governments, and even acquired foreign startups to tap into new technologies and talent pools.

Fourthly, they have been actively engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. By giving back to society through education initiatives, environmental protection projects and charitable donations, these tech giants not only enhance their brand image but also foster a positive relationship with the public.

Fifthly, they have been investing heavily in research on emerging technologies such as quantum computing and biotechnology. This is not only a way for them to stay ahead of competitors but also an attempt to create new industries that can generate sustainable growth.

Lastly, these tech giants are continuously exploring new business models that combine online and offline services. For instance, by integrating e-commerce platforms with physical stores or providing personalized services based on big data analysis.

In conclusion, the rebirth of these technology monopolies is a testament to their resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. Through continuous innovation and strategic adjustments, they have managed to regain their position at the forefront of technological development. As we look forward into the future, it will be exciting to see how these titans continue to shape our world through technology advancement.



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