华为WATCH Ultimate - 打造智能手表新王者创新性能让

本站原创 2023-11-08 22:48:47

  鍚勮鍚勪笟閮芥湁鎺㈢储绮剧鐨勯《灏栫敤鎴凤紝瀵逛簬鏅鸿兘鎵嬭〃鐨勮姹傞潪甯搁珮銆傝繖绉嶆墜琛ㄩ渶瑕佹弧瓒虫棩甯哥敓娲汇€佸晢鍔$瓑鍦烘櫙涓嬬殑甯歌搴旂敤锛屽悓鏃惰繕瑕佸湪娼滄按銆佹粦闆€佺櫥灞卞拰鎺㈤櫓绛夎繍鍔ㄥ満鏅笅鎻愪緵杩愬姩鏁版嵁鎸囧鍜屽畨鍏ㄤ繚闅溿€傚崕涓篧ATCH Ultimate 闈炲嚒澶у笀鏄笓涓鸿繖浜涢珮绔敤鎴烽噺韬畾鍒剁殑銆傝繖娆炬墜琛ㄦ槸鍗庝负琛ㄧ帇鐨勫垝鏃朵唬鏉颁綔銆?/p>

  鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate 闈炲嚒澶у笀锛屽叏鐞冮娆炬敮鎸佸弻鍚戝寳鏂楀崼鏄熸秷鎭殑澶т紬鏅鸿兘鎵嬭〃銆傚畠鍙互鍦ㄦ病鏈夊湴闈㈢綉缁滅殑鎯呭喌涓嬪彂閫佷俊鎭紝璁╂梾琛屾帰闄╁彉寰楁洿鍔犲畨蹇冪晠杩炪€傛澶栵紝璇ユ墜琛ㄩ噰鐢ㄨ秴寮虹殑闈炴櫠閿嗗悎閲戣〃澹筹紝骞舵惌杞?.5鑻卞AMOLED楂樻竻褰╁睆銆傝繖浜涚壒鐐硅鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate 闈炲嚒澶у笀鎴愪负灏婅吹鐨勪僵鎴翠箣閫夈€?

  鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀涓嶄粎鏋佽嚧鑸掗€傦紝鐧剧背娼滄按绾ч槻姘村姛鑳芥洿鏄浣犲敖鎯呯晠娓告捣娲嬨€佺旱妯北宸濄€傝繖娆炬墜琛ㄦ彁渚?00绫宠嚜鐢辨綔姘村拰姘磋偤娼滄按杩愬姩锛屽悓鏃跺甫鏉ュ叏鏂逛綅鎴峰杩愬姩鎻愰啋銆佸叏鏂逛綅鍋ュ悍鐩戞祴銆侀珮闃跺仴搴峰姛鑳姐€佽秴寮虹画鑸拰绉戝姩鍔熻兘绛夊疄鐢ㄥ姛鑳姐€傛墍鏈夎繖浜涢兘鍔╁姏涓栫晫鍚勫湴鐨勬灉鏁㈡棤鐣忕殑绮捐嫳寮€鐤嗘嫇鍩燂紝鎺㈢储鏈煡銆?/p>



  鎺㈢储瀹剁殑绮剧鍝佹牸锛屽緱鍒颁簡鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀鐨勫畬缇庡憟鐜般€傝鎵嬭〃鎻愪緵绾垫í娴锋磱鍜岄┌楠嬪北鍦颁袱涓鑹层€傛垜浠湅鍒扮殑鏄崕涓篧ATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀椹伴獘灞卞湴娆俱€傝繖娆炬墜琛ㄦ槸涓撲负灞卞湴鎺㈤櫓璁捐鐨勶紝瀹冩棦浼橀泤绮捐嚧锛屽張鑰愮敤鑸掗€傘€?/p>

  鎺㈤櫓瀹剁殑鐞嗘兂鑹即锛屽崕涓篧ATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀鏄竴娆炬櫤鑳芥墜琛紝閲囩敤涓€浣撻粦鑹茬撼绫抽櫠鐡疯〃鍦堬紝閰嶅360掳鐨勬柟浣嶅埢搴﹀拰绾㈣壊鎸囬拡涓撳睘鏍囧織锛屽己鍖栦簡鏂瑰悜鎰燂紝鍔╁姏浣╂埓鑰呴殢鏃舵壘鍒板紑鎷撹繘鍙栫殑鏂瑰悜銆傝〃鐩樺鍦堜互鏍兼灄濞佹不鏍囧噯鏃堕棿涓哄噯锛岃鎮ㄩ殢鏃朵簡瑙e叏鐞冩椂闂淬€傚唴鍦堜笂鍗婇儴鍒嗘槸鎭嶈嫢澶╅檯鐨勬槦绌鸿璁★紝涓嬪崐閮ㄥ垎鏄湴鐞冪櫨宸濓紝璁╀僵鎴磋€呴€忚繃灏栫绉戞妧鍜屾槦绌轰簰鍔紝鎰熷彈鎺㈢储鐨勬氮婕笌绁炵銆?/p>

  銆€銆€鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀椹伴獘灞卞湴娆捐〃鐩樺乏鍙充袱渚у垎鍒睍绀虹潃娴锋嫈楂樺害鍜屾皵鍘嬩俊鎭紝璁╃櫥灞辫€呴殢鏃舵帉鎻¤嚜韬儏鍐碉紝鎻愰珮瀹夊叏鎬с€傚洓瑙掗晜绌鸿璁″拰鏈烘鎰熷崄瓒崇殑缃楃洏璁捐璇█锛岀粰浜轰互鏈烘椋庣殑绔嬩綋瑙傛劅锛屽叏鏂逛綅鎻愬崌浜嗗北鍦版帰闄╀綋楠岋紝鍔╁姏浣╂埓鑰呬笌浼椾笉鍚岋紝鍒涢€犳棤闄愮簿褰╃殑鎺㈤櫓鏁呬簨銆?/p>

  涓轰簡瑙e喅鎴峰鏋侀檺鐜涓嬬殑灞忓箷鏄剧ず闂锛屽崕涓篧ATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀閲囩敤浜嗛珮娓?LTPO AMOLED 鏌旀€у睆骞曪紝鍘氬害姣斾紶缁熸綔姘磋〃閲囩敤鐨?MIP 灞忓箷鍑忚杽浜?0.27 姣背锛岃瑙夋洿鍔犻€忔槑锛屽垎杈ㄧ巼鏇撮珮锛岃壊褰╂洿涓板瘜锛屼笖鑹插煙鏇村锛屾樉绀烘洿鍔犵簿缁嗐€傚嵆浣垮湪鐩稿娴戞祳鐨勬按涓嬬幆澧冧腑锛屼粛鐒惰兘淇濇寔娓呮櫚鐨勬樉绀烘晥鏋溿€傛澶栵紝鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀杩樻敮鎸佹按涓嬪父浜紝鍙互鏍规嵁姘翠笅鐜鑷姩璋冭妭鍏夎寖鍥淬€傛綔姘存暟鎹€氳繃涓嶅悓棰滆壊杩涜鍒嗙被锛屽苟瀵归噸瑕佹暟鎹繘琛屾斁澶ф樉绀猴紝杩欐鎵嬭〃鏃犳儳鏈煡鐜鍜屾湭鐭ユ儏鍐电殑鍑虹幇銆?/p>

  鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀浠ヨ秴鍧氬浐鐨勯潪鏅堕攩鍚堥噾鏉愯川浣滀负琛ㄥ3锛岃繖绉嶉珮纭害銆侀珮寮哄害銆佽€愮(鎬у拰鑰愯厫铓€鎬х殑鏉愯川鍙簲鐢ㄤ簬鑸┖鑸ぉ绛夐珮绮惧皷绔鍩熴€備笌鍏朵粬閲戝睘鏉愭枡鐩告瘮锛岄潪鏅堕攩鍚堥噾鐨勮交渚挎€ц兘鏇村嚭鑹层€傚姝ら珮绔殑鐢ㄦ枡婊¤冻瀵归珮绔秷璐硅€呮櫤鑳芥墜琛ㄧ殑杩芥眰涓庨渶姹傘€?/p>

  鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀閲囩敤浜嗙嫭鐗圭殑涓夋寜閿璁★紝涓嶅悓浜庡崕涓烘櫤鑳芥墜琛ㄤ互寰€鐨勬寜閿璁°€傝繖涓€璁捐浠h〃鐫€鎵嬭〃鍔熻兘涓板瘜鎬с€佸伐鑹哄鏉傛€т互鍙婁氦浜掍綋楠岀殑鎻愬崌锛屾槸浼犵粺楂樼鎵嬭〃鎵嶄細浣跨敤鐨勮璁°€傛棆杞〃鍐犳敮鎸佺煭鎸夎繑鍥炰富鐣岄潰锛屼互鍙婃棆杞皟鏁磋彍鍗曢€夐」锛屼负鐢ㄦ埛鎻愪緵浜嗘洿鍔犱究鍒╃殑鎿嶄綔鏂瑰紡銆?/p>

  鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀鐨勮〃鐩樻敮鎸佹棆杞氦浜掑拰闀挎寜寮€鍏虫満锛岃鎿嶄綔鑰呭彲浠ユ柟渚垮湴杩涜涓婁笅缈婚〉鍜屾斁澶х缉灏忕瓑鍔熻兘銆傝繖涓€璁捐鍦ㄦ按涓嬩篃鍗佸垎鏂逛究锛屽嵆浣挎綔姘村憳鎴寸潃鎵嬪涔熷彲浠ヨ交鏉炬搷浣滐紝涓嶅啀闇€瑕佸簲浠樼箒鐞愮殑鎿嶄綔杩囩▼锛屽嵆鍙交鏉句韩鍙楁按涓嬫梾绋嬨€?/p>

  鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀鍦?0鐐归挓鏂逛綅鏂板浜嗚緟鍔╂寜閿€斺€?鈥滃寳鏂楅敭鈥濓紝璇ラ敭鍙竴閿疄鐜板紑鍚寳鏂楀崼鏄熸秷鎭姛鑳姐€傚湪閬囧埌绱ф€ユ儏鍐垫椂锛屽彧闇€闀挎寜3绉掑嵆鍙繘鍏ョ晫闈紝闅忔椂鍚戝鐣屽彂閫佹眰鏁戜俊鎭€備笁涓寜閿兘閲囩敤浜嗚埅澶╃骇閽涘悎閲慣C4鏉愯川锛屽叿澶囬珮鎶楀帇鍜岄珮鑰愯厫铓€鎬э紝杩欎簺楂樼宸ヨ壓璁捐鍜岃€愮敤鎬у鍔犱簡鎵嬭〃鐨勪环鍊笺€?/p>


  鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀椹伴獘灞卞湴娆鹃噰鐢ㄤ簡楂樻€ц兘姗¤兌琛ㄥ甫锛岃璁捐涓庤〃澹冲鍚堬紝浣╂埓鑸掗€傝交渚裤€傛澶栵紝璇ヨ〃甯﹀湪鏋佺浣庢俯鐜涓嬩篃淇濇寔鏌旇蒋锛屽湪楂樻俯鐜涓嬪叿鏈夊嚭鑹茬殑鑰愭补鎬у拰鑰愯€佸寲鎬э紝鍚屾椂杩樺叿鏈夋洿鍔犱紭寮傜殑鎶楃(鎹熷拰闃叉按鐗规€э紝瀹岀編閫傚簲澶氶噸澶嶆潅鐨勬埛澶栫幆澧冦€傝€屽崕涓篧ATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀绾垫í娴锋磱娆惧垯鎼浇閽涘悎閲戣〃甯︼紝閫傚悎鏃ュ父浣╂埓锛屽苟鍦ㄥ晢鍔″満鍚堜腑鏇存樉澶ф皵銆?/p>



  鍗庝负WATCH Ultimate闈炲嚒澶у笀鏀寔鍙屽悜鍖楁枟鍗槦淇℃伅锛屽彲浠ユ柟渚垮湴鎺ユ敹鍜屽彂閫佷俊鎭€傚湪鎴峰鐜涓紝鏃犺浣犺蛋鍒板摢閲岋紝杩欎竴鍔熻兘閮借兘澶熻浣犳椂鍒讳繚鎸佽仈缁溿€傚悓鏃讹紝璇ユ墜琛ㄨ繕鏀寔澶氱杩愬姩妯″紡锛屽彲浠ュ疄鏃剁洃娴嬪拰璁板綍鐢ㄦ埛鐨勮繍鍔ㄦ暟鎹紝鍏ㄩ潰鎻愬崌浜嗘埛澶栬繍鍔ㄧ殑浣撻獙銆?/p>

  Huaweis Mate50 series "piercing the sky" with BeiDou Satellite Messages has been brought to the Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master, becoming the worlds first mass-produced smartwatch that supports both-way BeiDou Satellite Messages. Based on the BeiDou Satellite network, it can send BeiDou Satellite messages to other mobile terminals without ground network signal coverage, making it a portable rescue tool in emergency situations such as desert areas, maritime accidents, and earthquake rescues. In addition, Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master also has the function of receiving BeiDou Satellite messages, so you can see message replies whether it is a check-in or an emergency call for help, providing a peace of mind.


  Additionally, the handcrafted watchbands used by Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master achieve a perfect blend of premium quality and professional-grade durability. Coupled with its robust design for extreme environments, it can provide excellent protection to your watch during your outdoor activities. If you love outdoor sports, or if you just need a break from the hustle and bustle of city life, Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is definitely your companion for your next adventure.

  The challenge of realizing satellite messaging in a small, wearable device like a watch is much greater than in a smartphone with more internal space. To meet this challenge, Huawei has developed innovative solutions at the technical level, including the miniaturization of the radio frequency module, the integration of a suspended antenna design, and the use of innovative nanomolding technology within the watch case, all of which allow for signal transmission in a compact space. Transmitting satellite messages requires high power support, but ordinary watch batteries are unable to achieve high power output in low temperature environments. To address this issue, Huawei engineers have designed a new intelligent battery heating solution to solve the problem of battery discharge in low temperature environments. In addition, Huawei has employed ceramic metal processing technology to couple the watch bezel with the metal frame to form a suspended antenna, which effectively concentrates energy and makes the signal stronger, faster, and more stable.


  Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is equipped with the "BeiDou key" for quick access to BeiDou Satellite messaging. By pressing and holding the auxiliary button at the 10 oclock position, users can quickly access the BeiDou Satellite messaging function, which has been optimized for outdoor use, providing a reliable communication tool for outdoor enthusiasts, adventurers, and emergency responders.

  The BeiDou Satellite messaging feature of Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master allows you to quickly send distress messages in critical situations. By transmitting messages via the BeiDou Satellite network, you can communicate with mobile terminals even in areas without ground network signal coverage, making it a powerful tool for emergency situations in remote, rugged environments.


  The process of sending BeiDou Satellite messages on Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is similar to that on Huawei smartphones. By following the steps to search for satellites, messages can be sent quickly. The recipients phone will display the message and location, and a text message notification is also sent, ensuring that the message is received and help can be provided in a timely manner in emergency situations.

  100-meter Water Resistance for Diving

  Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro, the brands first watch to support professional free diving mode, was released last year and had a water resistance rating of 30 meters. Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master builds on this foundation and incorporates a diving mode with a water resistance rating of up to 100 meters, allowing you to enjoy underwater activities with confidence. Whether youre an experienced diver or just starting out, Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is your reliable companion for underwater exploration.

  Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master takes waterproofing to the next level with a water resistance rating of up to 100 meters for diving. Featuring a combination design of 16 waterproof structures and a new waterproof breathable film, the watch is able to convert pressure into energy and resist the tremendous pressure of underwater environments, while also protecting important components such as audio devices. In addition, the watch has undergone triple precision testing, including ISO 22810 waterproof standard testing, EN 13319 diving equipment standard testing, and professional functional testing, customized technical diving process testing, and diving user group underwater testing, satisfying the technical and instrument diving needs of advanced divers who require deep diving.


  Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro is equipped with a wealth of professional diving modes based on depth, including free diving, air diving, and mixed gas diving. With a water resistance rating of up to 100 meters, this watch provides advanced divers with secure and reliable technical diving and instrument diving capabilities, enabling them to explore the mystifying and fascinating world beneath the sea with greater peace of mind.

  Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master features a pressure gauge that supports real-time display of diving information and supports recreational scuba diving, free diving, technical diving and instrument diving with a maximum depth of 100 meters.


  With the recreational scuba diving mode, Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master offers a range of diving functions, including gas and water type selection, GF values, oxygen partial pressure, safety stops, and automatic start/end diving settings. In addition, it provides real-time display and recording of diving data such as depth, time, speed, NDL, PPO2, CNS, TTS, and MOD, and issues vibrations and sound warnings for oxygen partial pressure, descent speed, ascent speed, and safety stop time, ensuring safe diving experience. Moreover, Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master adopts the popular diving decompression algorithm model B眉hlmann, providing professional and reliable decompression computation for advanced divers.

  The accurate real-time diving data and decompression knowledge provided by the Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master help divers master their own situation and ensure their safety. Additionally, the watch has a built-in compass and supports direction marking, providing divers with directional reference.


  In free diving mode, Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master can record professional data, including descent/ascent speed, real-time depth, maximum depth, diving time, surface relaxation time, and number of dives. Divers can view depth, temperature and speed curves through the watch and the sports health app. After diving, divers can also view their diving log and share it on Dive+, the worlds largest diving community app.

  More comprehensive sports modes

  Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master also offers a range of sports modes, including skiing, hiking, cycling, and swimming. With rich sports data analysis, it helps users better understand their sports performance and promote an active and healthy lifestyle.

  Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is a smartwatch designed for outdoor adventurers, with powerful outdoor sports capabilities and precise dual-frequency five-star GPS positioning. In the all-new outdoor adventure mode, the watch offers a range of functions, including professional outdoor adventure data display, continuous position marking, sports track return, and blood oxygen measurement. The watch also provides outdoor environmental information, such as altitude, air pressure, severe weather warnings, sunrise and sunset times, moon phases, tides, and other information, helping users stay aware of environmental changes and avoid risks. The watch also supports a dark mode, enhancing the exploration experience after sunset.


  In outdoor adventure mode, the watch automatically marks the location and can also manually mark places, choosing different markers such as "start", "camp", "danger", and "summit", making the meanings of the marks in the trajectory clear. After marking, the watch can also assist in reviewing the trajectory and provide navigation guidance, making it easier to locate specific locations, such as campsites and peaks.

  The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is not only a high-tech smartwatch but also an indispensable tool for outdoor enthusiasts. It provides a wide range of outdoor sports capabilities, including precise dual-frequency five-star GPS positioning, professional outdoor adventure data display, continuous position marking, sports track return, and blood oxygen measurement. With its comprehensive capabilities, the watch allows users to navigate through various terrains while assisting them in identifying and avoiding potential environmental and survival risks.


  The watch also acts as a survival kit by offering outdoor knowledge handbooks, Beidou satellite messages, flashlights, and other tools that assist users in emergency preparations and survival techniques - such as identifying directions, starting and putting out fires, sending signals for emergencies, water-crossing techniques, and insect bites. Furthermore, users can customize their personalized card backgrounds and share their outdoor hiking/exploration photos while recording their outdoor adventure experiences through the Huawei Health app.


  The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master continues to exceed expectations with its double-frequency five-star positioning, making it the ultimate outdoor companion that offers not just technology but also comprehensive outdoor adventure capabilities to enhance your experience.

  The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master stands out with its high-precision GPS positioning, which enables outdoor enthusiasts to easily track their movements, including running, walking, cycling, and hiking. Moreover, the watch offers a trajectory return function, so if an accident such as getting lost occurs while in motion, the watch can accurately guide you back to your starting point using its map and GPS functions. Huawei has also collaborated with the Two Steps Outdoor Assistant app for outdoor sports such as running, climbing, hiking, and more. It allows users to share their route track maps from the app to the Huawei Health app, which can then be imported into the watch to experience the route navigation function while exercising.


  銆€銆€The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master provides over 100 sports types, with 24 professional models designed to cater to individual preferences and needs. The users can choose different modes based on their workout requirements, whether it鈥檚 in the gym or out on the playing field. The watch is ideal for any sport enthusiast, providing customized training programs, real-time feedback, and professional data analysis to enhance workout efficiency and enjoyment.

  Whether you prefer outdoor or indoor workouts, the Huawei Health app can meet your needs. By analyzing your physiological differences, running capabilities, and training data, the app can intelligently evaluate your running level and create a personalized and scientific training program based on your goals and performance requirements. During the execution of the running plan, the app will provide regular and intelligent updates on the training intensity based on feedback and training results, helping users persist and enhance their athletic abilities.

  Professional Health Management




  銆€銆€The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master also supports ECG heart rate monitoring, allowing the high-performance ECG sensor to accurately record the heart rate information. With advanced health management features, users can monitor their health indicators effectively and proactively, including heart rate, sleep quality, stress levels, and more. By combining extensive health data with professional analysis, the watch helps users to better understand their body鈥檚 status and make informed decisions to improve their wellness.

  The ECG function of the Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master uses a high-performance ECG sensor to accurately record heart rate information. During the ECG measurement, just touch the ECG button on the watch to initiate the test. The watch then records the heart rate information and displays the results on the watch. Moreover, the data can be synchronized with the phone and subjected to more detailed heart rate information analysis using the Huawei Health app. This feature can help you better understand your heart condition and identify abnormal situations promptly, allowing you to take appropriate action.


  銆€銆€The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master provides professionals and fitness enthusiasts with comprehensive health management features. By offering a variety of data analysis tools, it enables users to gain insights into their health status and take proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, its ECG function offers real-time heart rate monitoring and precise health analysis, improving the accuracy and efficiency of heart rate detection.

  The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is equipped with advanced TruSeen 5.0+ technology and PPG 5.0 heart rate modules, which greatly improve the accuracy of heart rate detection and blood oxygen monitoring. Additionally, it features a new high-altitude blood oxygen monitoring function, enabling real-time monitoring of personal health in high-altitude regions. Furthermore, the watch supports skin temperature and body temperature monitoring through a temperature sensor, allowing users to keep track of their body temperature at all times.

  Huawei has also launched the "Exclusive Guardian Service" to provide online professional health services to Huawei wearable device users. This service package includes private doctor service, consultation with top-tier specialists, expert appointment assistance services, and VIP membership benefits. Purchasing the Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master provides one-year exclusive access to the service package. Private doctor service offers 24-hour online consultation, providing assistance in interpreting personal physical health and guidance on whether to seek medical attention. In addition to private doctor service, this service also provides access to top-tier specialist consultations at tertiary hospitals for further diagnosis and treatment. The expert appointment assistance service provides a green channel for users who have difficulty seeing doctors, and users can enjoy one expert appointment assistance service annually, reserving appointments with well-known specialists throughout the country.

  The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master provides users with a comprehensive health management system, expert healthcare services, and advanced distributed intelligence capabilities. The watch guarantees personal and family health by providing access to top-tier specialists, expert appointment assistance, and offline consultation services at renowned hospitals.

  The watchs distributed experience is based on Harmony OS, which brings a rich application ecosystem, intelligent voice assistants, and Bluetooth capabilities that enable users to receive calls simply by lifting their wrists. It also supports more applications and features, including the popular WeChat login function.

  To use WeChat on the Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master, users must first scan the QR code on their phone to complete the initial setup. Once configured, users can access WeChat features such as contacts, chat history, and WeChat Pay, making it easier and more convenient to stay connected and make payments on-the-go.

  The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is more than just a watch - its a comprehensive health management system and intelligent companion, providing users with a seamless, personalized, and intelligent user experience.

  The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master is a powerful and intelligent companion that offers users a comprehensive suite of features and functions. Users can utilize the watch for secure and convenient access to the popular WeChat application, including voice and text messaging, emoticons, and quick-reply features.

  Additionally, the watch supports Bluetooth calling, phonebooks, and call logs, providing users with easy access to communications and message management. Its use of the HarmonyOS platform streamlines interactions across devices, delivering seamless navigation and task reminders. Whether navigating city streets or taking calls on the go, the Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master enables users to stay informed and connected.

  Other features of the watch include music playback, remote camera control, notifications for text messages, emails, and social media, weather reports, alarm clocks, stopwatches, timers, flashlights, find-my-phone functionalities, and support for NFC transit and access cards.

  The Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master represents the pinnacle of intelligent watch technology, offering users a remarkable combination of cutting-edge engineering, advanced satellite communication capabilities, superb craftsmanship, and comprehensive health management features.

  With a full suite of health functions ranging from comprehensive health tracking to personalized coaching and support, the watch delivers an unparalleled user experience. Its advanced intelligence capabilities, including distributed features, WeChat integration, Bluetooth communication, and NFC access, further extend its utility and versatility across a wide range of everyday scenarios.

  For consumers seeking the ultimate in advanced watch technology, the Huawei WATCH Ultimate Master sets a new standard for performance, style, and functionality. Whether diving to great depths or navigating crowded city streets, the watch offers unparalleled convenience, reliable performance, and comprehensive support.

  The new generation of smartwatches represents a paradigm shift in wearable technology, offering a host of advanced features and capabilities aimed at the most discerning consumers. These devices incorporate cutting-edge innovation and technology to provide high-end users with more professional exercise modes and comprehensive health functions, ensuring that they have the full range of support they need to explore new horizons, whether scaling mountain peaks or traversing the open sea.

  With their advanced sensors, sophisticated software, and intuitive interfaces, these watches offer an unparalleled user experience, delivering customized fitness guidance, real-time activity tracking, and personalized coaching and support. By leveraging the latest advancements in data analytics, machine learning, and cloud computing, these watches are capable of providing users with comprehensive insights into their health and fitness, empowering them to take control of their well-being and achieve their goals.

  For those who are seeking to push the limits of what is possible, the new generation of smartwatches represents an essential tool for exploration, growth, and self-improvement. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a professional on the go, these watches offer the vital support and guidance you need to achieve your full potential and reach new heights.




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